The unique Bamboo Excavation Programme that will permanently get rid of Bamboo – the most common invasive species affecting UK gardens and commercial businesses in 2024.
Environment Controls have developed a unique Bamboo Excavation Programme that will permanently get rid of Bamboo – the most common invasive species affecting UK gardens and commercial businesses in 2024.
Bamboo is already being classed as ‘The New Knotweed’, or ‘Knotweed #2’ and quite rightly so! Why? Let’s look at the similarities between the two species.
Both knotweed and Bamboo…
- Grow incredibly rapidly.
- Spread from property to property via underground rhizomes.
- Cause damage to houses, buildings and hard structures.
- Are difficult to completely get rid of.
Bamboo is taking hold across the UK because it’s not being controlled efficiently and effectively. It’s still being sold in garden centres and is not illegal to grow on your own property, but neglecting Bamboo allows it to spread fast and this can lead to encroachment issues that could be avoided. That’s why we’ve developed a new cost-saving method that is ideal for residential properties.
It grows in two ways; Clumping and Running, but it’s really the latter that is creating mayhem, as the underground rhizomes can grow as far as 5 metres around the parent plant and has been known to grow in height of up to 1 metre in a 24 hour period. Just like Japanese knotweed, if even the smallest piece of root is left in the ground it will regrow new shoots. Hence being classed the same as knotweed.
Would you be able to spot Bamboo shoots?
The images below show Bamboo as it first appears when encroaching from neighbouring land – it’s not looking much like Bamboo at this point is it? But give it another couple of weeks and you’ll realise there’s a problem.
Invasive Bamboo is a huge issue for homeowners and gardeners
Bamboo will grow underneath barriers such as fences, walls and shrubs. This means it will take up residence on your property, and become a headache for you and your garden. Invasive Bamboo will smother other plants and if left alone can take over large areas of ground. When this happens it’s extremely hard to get rid of and requires excavation.
Catching it early is the key!
Invasive Bamboo is a financial burden for businesses
It’s not just the damage that Bamboo causes to buildings and hard surfaces such as parking areas, but if left untreated it will encroach onto neighbouring land – this is known as ‘encroachment’ which can lead to legal issues with neighbouring businesses, landowners or properties.
A unique method of control
Our Bamboo Excavation Programme has been specifically devised to reduce the bulk of excavated soils and Bamboo material having to be removed from site, as well as the cost of importing additional soils to backfill the void. Both of which saves our clients time and money. We monitor for any recurring growth which can easily be treated with herbicides.
Find out if you have invasive Bamboo
When Bamboo breaks into your property it can often look like any other root, which can be misleading. The best way to stop Bamboo invading your property is to find out whether you have Bamboo and what type of Bamboo it is. Have a Bamboo survey carried out as soon as possible before it becomes a more widespread issue.