Vegetation Clearance
By The EC Team

Vegetation Clearance

Vegetation management – clearing invasive or unwanted shrubs, trees and brush cuttings

If invasive plants are left uncontrolled they will rapidly take over vast swathes of land. This becomes an issue for land developers who will need the land cleared prior to works starting. The same applies to unwanted shrubs, trees and other vegetation. Environment Controls excavation and vegetation clearance services are widely used for commercial site clearance, as these before and after pictures show.

On this project for a large construction company we used a flail attachment on a 13 tonne excavator to remove a mix of invasive plants including Japanese knotweed, other invasive plants and shrubs. The second picture shows the carefully stockpiled soils ready for carting away, leaving the land clear of all vegetation.

Ideal for:

  • Site preparation
  • Shrub reduction
  • Forestry thinning
  • Land maintenance

Full service

We provide a comprehensive package to prepare your site for development or specific treatments for individual projects. Our team of highly skilled operatives can handle any vegetation site clearance project on brownfield or greenfield sites, leaving the ground clear and ready for development. We can completely eradicate unwanted vegetation from site, often using a variety of methods depending on the site itself, environmental considerations and the site’s intended usage.

  • Tree felling, debris chipping and removal
  • Stump removal
  • Vegetation flailing and mulching
  • Cart away

Or we can provide a Watching Brief service to oversee your  teams or contractors carrying out the works. Our fully qualified and highly skilled operatives will ensure all works are completed in a safe and compliant way adhering to H&S best practice and biosecurity measures.

Safe and compliant

When you commission us to remove vegetation you’ll receive an end-to-end service. This starts with a full survey – a visual assessment of the site – which will accurately identify the vegetation required to be removed and highlight any areas of consideration such as endangered species, hazards or existing features. Protected trees with a protection order in place may require specific permissions.

After the ground has been cleared the vegetation to be removed (rather than being mulched and left on site) will be carted away to a licensed receiving centre. We hold a waste carrier’s license to enable this.

If during the assessment hazardous contamination was suspected in the soils such as asbestos or lead, we can arrange to have the soils samples and analysed at a lab. If positively identified we can carry out removal and disposal of all infected soils.

All works are carried out under strict regulatory compliance, including the provision of risk assessments and methodology (RAMS), photographs of the works completed and a full report, as well as documented waste transfer notes.

get in touch or go back to ‘winter services’

If you’d like more information about our vegetation clearance services, or you have a live project that requires the ground to be prepared for development contact us below.


0330 056 8880