How wildflower verges planted by local farmer transformed a Wiltshire village
We spoke to Jeremy Cottle, and his wife Anya about the wildflower verges they have introduced to the pretty Wiltshire village of Steeple Ashton.
As you drive into Steeple Ashton, from either angle you cannot help but be blown away by the floral display on the verges which are truly spectacular in their abundance and variety of wildflower species included.
Jeremy works on the family run Manor Farm in Steeple Ashton, he is also a member of the Parish Council, so we asked what inspired him to sow the verges and how he achieved it.
It all started with his wife Anya, who transports horses for a living and on one of the villages she drives through frequently (Long Newnton) she watched with pleasure as one of their verges bloomed with wildflowers. The couple contacted Long Newton Parish Council for information, and they were sent the details of the supplier they had used.
Last year Jeremy managed to get funding from a local businessman – Andrew Walkely to trial an initial strip at one end of the village. The seed was purchased from Lawnview (near Hereford).
Anya says: “The reaction from the village was fantastic. They all appreciated how beautiful it was as well as the number of bees/ butterflies and insects it attracted. And to be honest we wanted to do it for both those reasons, to put a smile on people’s faces as they drove into the village and to encourage/ help wildlife activity.”
This year Jeremy and Anya set up a ‘go fund me’ page and were fortunate to have three local sponsors step forward to help fund the project: The Cosy Kitchen, DH3 Construction and Countryside Events. They were hoping to be able to fund one good sized area and were amazed with the generosity of the local people who very quickly raised enough for two decent verge strips.
Anya goes on to say: “Dave at Lawnview is fantastic and has an absolute passion for wildflowers and what blends to use. We chose his ‘special blend’. It has proved immensely popular again this year”.
Maintaining wildflower areas requires professional knowledge, so we provided some useful information on how Jeremy should keep unwanted weeds (such as thistles) out for the following year to make it all worthwhile.
- Before unwanted weeds/thistles etc set seed (ideally in August) do a walk over to pull them out – this is the only way to control them. However, with every season the wildflowers should out-compete the weeds, so should get easier.
- Cut the flowers at the end of the year (or as they turn to seed) and leave cuttings in situ for at least 5 days to allow for the seeds to fall through to the soil ready for next year. Rake and remove the cuttings after 5 days.
- In the spring do another walk over to remove species that were too prolific the previous season (out-competing others) such as poppies – these can be re-planted in new areas.
- If too much meadow grass comes through sprinkle Yellow Rattle seeds which will out-compete the grass (it won’t out-compete the flowers).
- Consider for an all-year round display – under sowing with spring bulbs
So what do the sponsors and local residents think of their involvement with this project?
The Cosy Kitchen (sponsor): “The flowers that were planted last year made us and everyone smile when they passed them and so when the opportunity for sponsorship came up, as a village in our local area, we were thrilled to be able to contribute towards it. They look so beautiful and have been a talking point of visitors and neighbouring areas and its lovely to see the bees and butterflies as you drive past. Hopefully other villages and communities will follow suit and do the same!”
Andrew Wyborn (local resident): “They make me smile every time I drive past. Even people outside the village comment on how nice it looks. Definitely worth the group funding and hopefully more villages will get involved in the future.”
Maureen Hodge (local resident): “They look beautiful and brighten everything on these dull rainy days!”
Sally McNab (local resident): “My morning walk is made all the more brighter, I love them, thank you.”
Pamela hill (local resident): “They are stunning, a real asset to this lovely village.”
Flexercise West Wiltshire (local business): “They look lovely. These verges should be everywhere!”

As for future planting, Jeremy and Anya would love to do more. This year they may just have to concentrate on the upkeep of the current areas to try and perfect the art of a good second year, and hopefully our advice will put them on track for that.
As they concluded: “We would love to be able to do wildflower meadows or sunflower fields within the village one day, but always tricky balancing cost and farming areas.”
Would you like to know more about the benefits of wildflower verges? Contact us to arrange a consultation with our Specialist Advisory Manager.