Our excavation services are ideal for winter
Helping commercial landowners to gain an early advantage for the year ahead. The services listed here are ideal for private landowners, property and large estate managers, farmers and environment agencies, to help you make the most of the winter months.
Get rid of unwanted invasive plants and vegetation, improve land and drainage systems and plant more trees – read on to find out why these and other services are all vital works to carry out over the winter period.
Vegetation management
Vegetation such as trees, shrubs and plants require managing, such as lopping, pruning and pollarding – all of which creates a mass of vegetation that needs to be removed from site or mulched and spread in a suitable area on site. Vegetation clearance is ideally done in winter not only because that’s the best time, but also to ensure any nearby drainage systems remain clear.
Many invasive plants are best treated in the spring and summer months, with second treatments in autumn, however most woody shrubs are better removed in winter. Here we list a few of the most common invasive woody plants we can manage for you during winter.
Rhododendron winter treatment and removal
The invasive Rhododendron ponticum can be more easily cut down or excavated in winter. As there is generally less vegetation around in the winter months this can often be a better time to be working on the land. We prefer to carry out Rhododendron works between November and March.
Bamboo cutting and removal
How do you permanently remove Bamboo? Bamboo removal in winter is best done by having it completely excavated. We can control winter growth by cutting down tall stems and injecting herbicide into the stump. Residential Bamboo tends to be planted within beds where other plants and shrubs can make it difficult for us to get to, but if some die back in winter, this makes for easier access to the Bamboo.
The same largely applies to Bamboo on private land, as Bamboo likes to grow in woodlands which again makes Bamboo more easily accessible after trees have lost their leaves. Whilst we’re busy all year round controlling or removing Bamboo, winter can be a better time to excavate the root ball.
Cotoneaster removal
Cotoneaster really becomes prominent in winter – with its bright red berries that make it easier to spot. In summer its tiny leaved bushes can be hidden among other shrubs. Removal can be difficult as this species often thrives in locations that are difficult, but in winter as surrounding vegetation dies back it makes excavation easier. Let us get rid of Cotoneaster problems for you.
Buddleia (Buddleja) removal
This common garden shrub can be easily controlled in residential properties by cutting it back hard, or digging up unwanted shrubs, however when allowed to spread in the wild it will quickly become an invasive nuisance and require removal, as evidenced in this image of Buddleia growing along a rail track. As Buddleia is not an evergreen shrub its leaves and flowers die off in winter, making herbicide treatment (in winter by injecting herbicide directly into the stems), or mechanical removal much easier.
Do Buddleia have deep roots like other invasive shrubs? The answer is no, Buddleia has shallow roots so it can be dug up more easily in winter without its foliage to hinder works.
Other winter services
It’s not just invasive plants that we treat or remove. Our excavation services are ideal for making improvements to land and the environment. These works are important to maintain a healthy and thriving environment that protects and prevents disasters such as flooding or land slides.
Ditch clearance
Ditches play an important part in environmental control, reducing risk of flooding by taking up ground water and run-off water from fields and urban areas. Ditches can be found in many areas such as the countryside, farm or rural land, private estates and in urban areas.
As the risk of wild fires due to climate change increases ditches may play an important role in fire control (creating natural fire breaks) and in the management of fires. It’s important therefore to keep them clear of vegetation and silt build up. The best time to clear ditches is from late October (after the leaves fall) to ensure they can take up excess rain water, up to February (before the spring) when ditch verge vegetation begins to grow.
Moss and algae removal
The wetter, colder winter months are ideal conditions for moss and algae to build up on footpaths, amenity areas, and Multi Use Games Areas (MUGAs) making them unsightly, hazardous and often unusable. Treating moss and algae at the start of winter will stop the build up before it gets unmanageable and keep hard surfaces safe from slip hazards.
We have developed a unique method to effectively get rid of moss and algae whilst amenity spraying – all on one contract. Ask us for details.
Plan your winter works
To speak to us about any of these winter services please get in touch.