Excavation is an ideal option to permanently remove invasive plant material including water weeds. It is suitable for both residential properties and commercial projects.


A PERMANENT OUTCOME for invasive plant removal

Excavation is used to extract and remove invasive plant material including all underground roots (rhizomes).

We’re a National Contractor, and we hire and resource locally for all our works. As invasive plant removal experts we’ll advise on the right excavation method for your property or site (see options below). This may depend on short or long-term proposals for site use, such as change of land use (i.e. a housing development). Excavation may also need to be planned around site specific constraints such as access, environmental considerations (i.e. protected species), and existing and retained infrastructure.

Once the site has been surveyed, you’ll receive a report that details the survey findings, proposed excavation works and our removal costs.


This is done via expert accurate identification of contaminant extent in the soils and provides an instant eradication method to the problem. On completion of weed excavation, the contaminated soils are completely removed, allowing for unimpeded development of the area.

Although the least sustainable of our methods, our approach and ethos puts the emphasis firmly on reducing quantities of waste removed to landfills, and hence cost to the customer.



To reduce the cost of excavation it may be feasible in some situations (invasive plants only) to excavate to a set depth, and then use root barriers to cap and retain any further deeper contaminated ground. This is particularly cost-effective when the development formation level (the depth ground levels need to be reduced to allow for construction) is less than 1m deep.

The proprietary root barriers are installed to fully contain the remaining contaminated ground and prevent its re-emergence. Expert installation and bonding ensure the complete integrity of the barrier. The contained non-excavated plant material is therefore sustainably remediated on-site.



Sifting of contaminated soils can be used to lessen the volume of plant material within them. This method however cannot be guaranteed to remove all plant rhizomes and therefore the treated sifted soils will still need to be handled as potentially contaminated.

The reduction in the growth potential following sifting makes these soils more re-useable on site, either in burial or relocation for monitoring. If they are removed from the site they will still be classed as controlled waste due to potential or known knotweed contamination.



As well as providing instant eradication of the contaminates, it allows fully sustainable disposal of the excavated waste on-site in accordance with Government RPS 178. The method requires a suitable size and location where the waste can be buried. The area can be sizable due to the logistics and specifications for burial, with soft landscaped public open space (POS) being among the desirable areas to place a burial.

A deep receival pit is excavated, deep enough so that at least 2m of clean fill can be placed above the deposited buried waste which is deposited within the pit, encapsulated in a root barrier, which is referred to as the cell. By residing 2m below finished ground levels it helps protect the cell against future accidental human disturbance or burrowing animals.


vacuum excavation

Vacuum excavation involves the use of suction generated by a vacuum lorry delivered via an air lance in order to agitate and remove material (typically soil, earth or water) from the ground. Compressed air is directed through an insulated air excavation lance to loosen, agitate, or aerate the ground initially. The loosened debris is then safely removed by the vacuum.

The vacuum extraction method is used when we need to work around infrastructure or natural habitats. Using less equipment and vehicles on site also reduces our carbon footprint. Being able to work around trees and live utilities without risk of harm or strike makes it a safer and more sustainable option that is kinder to the environment. It is generally a quicker and more efficient method of removal as it limits disruption to local residents, businesses and services.



In some situations, it may be possible to relocate the contaminated soil from an undesirable location to another location on-site where it can be treated long term with herbicides.

The excavated waste is carefully double-handled over site along designated haul routes between the locations. Often only suitable for larger sites, the soil is relocated as a formed stockpile or landscape bund where any re-growth of plants is treated with herbicide. Once the growth has been controlled the relocated area can be carefully seeded or planted.



Excavation is one of several methods that can be used to remove invasive aquatic weeds, depending on the species. It may, for instance, be needed to remove large colonies and any remaining root systems. Mechanical harvesters or aquatic vegetation cutters can also be used to remove dense floating vegetation.

However, whilst excavation can be used, it’s important to note that this is not always the best option as disturbance of the root system of some aquatic plants can cause fragments to float downstream and recolonize. For most aquatic weed problems, properly-used and carefully applied aquatic herbicides will control water vegetation without harming fish. A special license is required for this method.


The water weed Parrot's feather infesting a river


Excavation works will require a survey, speak to the team to get it booked in.

client testimonial

Here’s what one of our clients had to say after we completed a residential excavation:

“We wanted to pass on what a great job the guys did. They were very thorough and cleared every patch we asked them to look at. We had asked them to be careful around our newly planted hedge and they went the extra mile to carefully dig out the plants they needed to get past and replanted them after they were finished so a big thank you to both of them. 

We’d like to add that the guys were really lovely and made what was a stressful time, much easier.”

Penny and Ben W.

Our top clients

0330 056 8880