Contaminated soils will put your construction project on immediate hold! We can completely remove and dispose of soils contaminated with invasive weed materials, Non-Licensable Asbestos, petrol, diesel or heavy metals such as lead, leaving you with a clean site.
soil analysis, removal & disposal
As well as removing Non-Licensable Asbestos in soils, we are licensed to remove soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons or heavy metal pollution in soil. Examples of these are oil, petrol and diesel found in soils. High concentrations of non-essential heavy metals/metalloids such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead must be removed by a licensed contractor. We’ll carry out:
- Soil sampling and analysis
- Contaminated soil removal
- Contaminated soil disposal
Land that has been contaminated with invasive plant material such as Japanese knotweed or Giant hogweed is also deemed as soil contamination and therefore needs to be handled as hazardous waste that requires specialist removal services. Projects could be applicable for claiming Land Remediation Relief (LRR).
We can professionally handle all of this for you, leaving your site clean and fit for its intended purpose.

removing asbestos IN SOILS
Our teams have years of experience in excavation and removal of controlled and hazardous waste from sites, working in-line with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and best industry practices.
We are fully qualified to deal with Non-Licensable asbestos works in soils, and the removal of resultant hazardous wastes. We can remove all soil contaminated with asbestos leaving it fit for purpose. Chemical soil analysis tests will be required to establish the levels of contaminants present, before we can remove the waste to a landfill site.
We can undertake soil sampling to detect the presence of contaminants or more often to accurately locate contamination hot spots identified generally on a previous broader ground investigation survey. We can also undertake additional WAC testing if the levels of contaminants found are into the hazardous thresholds. Our remediation proposal will fit the requirement of the site and proposed future uses that will require excavation and removal of the contaminated soils.

what to do if you find contaminants in the ground?
Hazardous levels of contaminants will require a further Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) test before agreement to dispose at landfill, to establish the leachate properties of the contamination.
All waste is carefully excavated and handled on site before being taken via registered waste carriers to an appropriately licensed landfill facility. All works are recorded, including waste tracking records.

speak to the team
Find out if you have contaminated ground.
What are contaminants?
Contaminants are particles in the ground that are deemed hazardous if not removed. The most common types are; invasive plant material such as Japanese knotweed or Giant hogweed, petroleum spillages in soils, Asbestos and soil contamination by heavy metals that tend to come from activities such as industrial processes, mining and the use of certain fertilisers and pesticides, including:
- Lead
- Mercury
- Cadmium
- Arsenic
- Chromium
- Nickel
- Zinc

Why choose us
- National Contractor: We hire and resource locally for all our works.
- Our services cater for project values in the range of £500 up to £1.5M
- We liaise closely with you to tailor a site-specific solution
- We’ll get your project moving again

Contaminated ground causes issues for construction, not just for existing projects but also for any planned change of land use projects, causing delays and unexpected costs. The presence of some contaminates can be visually identified but more commonly via ground investigations.
Non-Licensable Asbestos contaminated ground is found especially on brownfield sites. Disturbing the ground causes contaminants that may have been lying dormant deep within to be released either by air, water or particles in the soil. When this happens it is important that all works stop immediately and the ground is not disturbed as this could enable further spread and warning signs must be erected to prevent entry onto the ground. We can eradicate the problem via excavation.